Plaid and Tan for Holly Hobbie

Welcome to my interpretation for this round of Style Imitating Art.

A Little Background

Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee On the Edge, and me. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday one of us selects an inspirational image and we each post the image on our blogs. The following Monday we share our art-inspired outfits. The next Wednesday, the curator shares all the submissions on her blog.

This Week’s Curator

This round was created by Shelbee and she picked Holly Hobbie, which was a very popular image during the 70’s and 80’s. Anyone in the US who was a child during this time for had small girls will be familiar with Holly Hobbie. Her image was on a lot of stuff.

My Take

One could say that Holly Hobbie is 70’s Cottage Core, with her patchwork and vintage-looking flower patterns. These two things are scarce in my closet. I do have a patchwork jacket, but it is velvet and seasonally didn’t fit, not does it fit the aesthetic.

What could I work with? There is the color blue and brown. I decided to use my plaid shirt because, like patchwork, There are also squares (created by the vertical and horizontal lines). This is a Karen Hart shirt that I got from my friend Debby when she had her boutique. You can’t buy Karen hart online, only from boutiques. The brand is pretty basic but Debby managed to get in a few styles that I really liked.

Under it, I just chose simple white cami.

I wanted to wear my new jeans with their big cuffs. We have a new small clothing shop in my little town and I found these on her Thursday $20 sale. I will wear these and get my money out of them; love how these look!

Now I pick up the tans. With an older straw hat and a cool little bag from the early 90’s.

This summer has definitely been my hat summer. It seems that I rarely leave the house unless there is a summer straw or ball cap on my head.

Now, back to the bag. I remember getting this from my oldest daughter when she graduated from high school but she really didn’t wear it. I just kept it around because there was something about it. I think it was just ahead of its time; small and a crossover. Because of its shape, I nicknamed it the “binocular bag”.

The sandals are some I picked up around 2017 (that’s when they seem to make their first appearance on the blog). I tend to forget about them since I now wear a lot of sneakers. But, I still like them and think they look look with this outfit.

That sums it up for me. Holly Hobbie gives off a nostalgic country vibe, sort of a Little House on the Prarie. I live in the country and I guess this is my country vibe.

That sums me up for this one. I could not have worn this outfit even yesterday. This was the first time in seven days that our temps have not been in the triple digits. This outfit is looking forward to some transitional weather.

That finishes me for this one and I hope you enjoyed reading about my idea for this painting. Have you sent Shelbee your idea? If you have not done so already, please send it to Shelbee at by tomorrow.

See you next time!

9 thoughts on “Plaid and Tan for Holly Hobbie

  1. Terri, I absolutely love this outfit. So much that I need to create my own version of it when it cools down a bit. I rarely leave my house without some sort of hat on my head either. Hats are so practical and just seem to make every outfit better. I love that you and Salazar both went with plaid for the patchwork. I would have never thought of plaid but it is perfect!


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  2. Like your outfit as usual you are so stylish. I shop at so many thrift stores and garage sales, I can’t remember when and where I purchased something.

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