Denim + Color for Austin Cooper’s 1924 Posters for the London Underground

Welcome to my interpretation for this round of Style Imitating Art.

A Little Background

Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee On the Edge, and me. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday one of us selects an inspiration image and we each post the image on our blogs. The following Monday we share our art-inspired outfits. The following Wednesday, the curator shares all of the submissions on her blog.

This Weeks Curator

Salazar picked this round’s work.

1924 Posters Designed by Austin Cooper promoting riding the London Underground
My Take

Gravitating towards the “It Is Cooler Down Below”, this is a pretty simple look. For the blues, I used denim. Being almost spring I wore my lighter American Eagle skinny jeans. Rarely do I go for the denim on denim look but thought my old Chico (and I mean old) jacket worked rather nicely. It’s a pretty classic jacket in shape and I have worn it year after year and it never seems old to me.

Now for the Contrast

I happen to have kept a bright yellow cotton Jones of New York shirt that I had gotten at an Outlet Mall before I retired from teaching. Although bright yellow is not my go-to color, I did love all those tuck pleats! Probably, that is also why I’ve never let it go and I like how the collar works with my jacket.

The orange had to make an appearance and I solved this with a two-toned orange/tan tote by Pour La Victoire. Truthfully, I don’t think they are in business anymore. However, their bags and shoes are quite numerous on Poshmark and eBay. They did have a cutting-edge style that appealed to me. My bag is well made and I think the prices that I’m seeing for the used ones are a steal.

Although I really wanted to wear some more spring-like shoes for this one, winter came back to Missouri and I decided to be practical and wear my tan booties, and anyway, they go perfectly with the tan on my bag.

Yellow for My Pendant

I have no idea what the stones are in this necklace but I really like them. I usually wear it with my vintage kimono jacket HERE, (also a much better photo of the necklace), but liked how the complemented what I was doing for this SIA.

For me, this was a very wearable outfit. In fact, I wore it last Friday when we went shopping for some plants. I am a Hosta lover and wanted to make sure that I snagged “Island Breeze”, which is the 2022 Hosta of the Year and I did! Of course, we picked up a few other plants while we were there, including Zephirine Drouchin, which has been an amazing deep pink rose since 1868.

The only plant you can see in my card is the miniature Hosta White Feather. It’s going to be a beauty-so striking and different (and I think one that is a little more difficult to grow).

As I said winter has visited us this week and today was pretty cool with wind. Look at Nicky’s ears flying!

That wraps it up for me so now it’s your turn.

Will You Join In the Fun?

I hope this art inspires you to create a look and that you will join us. Send a photo of your SIA-inspired outfit along with a small blurb on how you were inspired to Salazar whose email is by tomorrow. She will share the submissions on her blog this Wednesday.

Anyone can participate and you certainly do not have to have a blog.

If you do share your inspirations on Instagram use the hashtag #StyleImitatingArt so we know you are there. You can also tag us in the images. Our Instagram names are @terrigardner_meadowtree, @14shadesofgrey, and @shelbeeontheedge.

Salazar will be putting together her review to be published Wednesday. If you have an entry, please send it to her at by tomorrow. Hope to see you there!

Take care and style on!

10 thoughts on “Denim + Color for Austin Cooper’s 1924 Posters for the London Underground

  1. Terri, your outfit is perfect! I love how you used both the yellow and the orange. And, those pintucks would definitely win me over! I am definitely a hosta lover (I pronounce it host-a as in hostess even though I know it’s host as is cost)! I also love elephant ears and have planted several different varieties. We will be moving sometime this summer so I won’t be planting my elephant ears, but I hope the new owners will appreciate my gorgeous hostas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marsha-I was worried that most would find it to “practical” for this challenge. But, I wanted something that I could wear out shopping and also use for SIA. I bought some Elephant Ears a few weeks ago and Michael can’t figure out where he put them. While I was at the nursery, I saw Elephant Ear bulbs that were as large as a quart jar! They were also $30-monsters they were!


    1. Thank you, Michelle-I’ve never considered getting rid of this top, even though it’s years old. The cotton has a texture to it which makes it suitable to wear with jeans. It’s a summer blouse, though, as it just has cap sleeves so I have to wear a jacket with it in the spring-I would freeze if I didn’t.


  2. Oh wow, Terri, this is such a wonderful outfit! I love the bright yellow with the double denim. And that denim jacket really is a great style and cut. I have a unique denim jacket from Lane Bryant that I bought at least 20 years ago and it is still my favorite denim jacket! Your necklace is gorgeous, too. I am going to read that post to see it in more detail.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Shelbee. Isn’t it crazy about jean jackets. We almost developed relationships with them. This one will always be my go to, even though, I’ve found others (more of what you think an American jean jacket should look like) along the way. The others are fine but I just like the more refined statement that this one makes and was never sorry that I got it.


    1. Thanks, I agree about double denim which is why I don’t generally do it. I made an exception and just did it and hoped that it didn’t look terrible. I think the yellow top saved it.


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