A #memade Skirt for Sonia Delunay’s “Simultaneous Dresses”

About Style Imitating Art

Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks and me. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday one of us selects an inspirational work and we each post the image on our blogs. The following Monday we share our art-inspired outfits. The following Wednesday, the curator shares all of the submissions on her blog.

This Week’s Inspirational Work

Simultaneous Dresses (Three Women, Forms, Colours) by Sonia Delaunay, in which she painted in 1925.

My Inspiration from this painting

There were so many ways to go as far as being inspired by this work. It hit me that since Sonia Delaunay was a talented seamstress, It would be cool if I could use something that I also made.

I chose a colorful skirt that I made back in 1984. It had a few features that reminded me of the painting: bright colors, a lot of blue (like the first dress), and triangles. I decided on a white 3/4 length sleeve blouse with a yellow shell underneath.

As I said, I made this skirt back in 1984. It is made out of a glazed cotton (I think). Honestly, I made it so long ago, I can’t remember exactly what type of fabric I used or where I got it. I just know, I have always loved this skirt and have kept it around.

Back then, I made it because it reminded me of a very watered down version of Seminole patchwork.

Both my folks came from Oklahoma and I spent quite a bit of time around Seminole, Oklahoma when I was a kid. The Seminole nation was a big presence around there and I always had a respect for Seminole patchwork. This skirt was a very simplistic version of the real deal but I do remember having a good time making it.

I even added a small embroidery with my first and last initials.

Unfortunately, I made this skirt when I was some ridiculous weight and had a waistline two inches smaller than it is today. There was no good way to let this skirt out so I did some other shenanigans so I could wear it. That does mean that I will always have to wear it with an over blouse or a top tied at the waist because I don’t think I will be losing two inches anytime soon!

Completing the Look

Everything else for this is thrifted, second hand or very old. My brown sandals are Cole Haan from the early 90’s. Take good care of their shoes and they will last forever!

My white shirt with the all over embroidery is from the middle 2000’s. If this one every wears out, I’m cutting a pattern from it!

The yellow cami and my colorful cuff were both from thrift shops.

The Rodo bag which can be either a clutch or shoulder bag was found second hand on eBay.

That sums up the important stuff.

Can you Believe this pattern can still be found? I still have mine, but I found it on ETSY, for twice what I paid for it, of course. There’s two; in sizes 8 and 12. This was the day before multiple sizes being in one envelop (which I like a lot better). Mine is a size 14.

I found an old photo of me wearing my skirt. You can only see the top but I still wore white and yellow with it. The top was silk (which eventually fell apart) and I hand crocheted a yellow tie belt just for the skirt. I still have the belt.

I wasn’t too creative with my styling. It looks like I just did what was on the front of the pattern! I’m thinking now that a light yellow top with cap sleeves might work too.

I think that rounds it it up and hope you enjoyed this rambling story of mine.

It’s now your turn. How have you interpreted this work of art? If you have not already sent me your design, (along with a small blurb on how the work influenced you choices) please do so at meadowtreestyle@gmail.com by tomorrow. I promise I will check my email before I go to bed and not leave anyone out when I publish!

I will do a roundup this Wednesday featuring all your designs. There are no wrong answers and I’m looking forward to your style ideas.

Take care everyone and stay creative!

19 thoughts on “A #memade Skirt for Sonia Delunay’s “Simultaneous Dresses”

  1. Hi there Terri,
    I adore this beautiful skirt! It looks SO cool and appropriate for the inspiration- the shapes, the colours! And I’m so impressed that you made it. It’s so attractive! It looks gorgeous with that shirt too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Kezzie-I have memories of piecing it together-I think you always remember making those special things. The good thing about this skirt is that it was never in style and therefore can never be out of style-sort of a timeless unique piece and so, I will always keep it.


  2. Terri, what a fabulous skirt! It really does resemble the Seminole patchwork. I have always felt a strong connection to indigenous American tribes so I really am drawn to this beautiful skirt and the fun patterns you incorporated. It perfectly represents the painting, too. How great is that!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a unique skirt, it’s a work of art and the colours are fabulous! That’s great that you have an old photo of you wearing it. Like you, I love thrifted and secondhand too! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

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