Hello Velvet for Sakia van Uylenburgh

Hello, and welcome to Style Imitating Art’s “Reveal Monday”. Today is the day that the hosts, unveil our interpretations of the chosen artwork.

We have a new co-host on board! I would like to congratulate Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge as our new partner. Over this past year, Shelbee has been a force to be reckoned with, as far as her SIA creativity and we are happy to have her join Style Imitating Art.

Welcome, Shelbee!

What Is Style Imitating Art?

Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and me. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday one of us selects an inspiration image and we each post the image on our blogs. The following Monday we share our art-inspired outfits. The following Wednesday, the curator shares all of the submissions on her blog.

This Week’s Presenter

That would be me. Last Monday, I first presented one of Rembrandt’s portraits of his wife Saskia.

This Weeks Inspirational Work

Portrait of Sakia van Uylenburgh

My Take

There was so much to take from this painting. Last week, I said that, as far as fashion, it was a feast for the eyes. So what part of this feast did I latch on to? First of all, I have two styles for this one. It was a hard painting for me to have just one!

The first style is what I had planned out for this portrait. It is rather dressy and I’m not sure I would wear all these particular elements together in real life. But it was a hoot to put together and fun because I pulled out some of my favorite things for the look. Some of these items, I just don’t get a chance to wear anymore.

The second style is everyday winter wear for me. In fact, we were going up to the city when I wore this exact outfit. As I was leaving, I looked in the mirror and it hit me, “this works for my SIA too.” It includes some socks and matching mitts that just came off my knitting needles.

Look #1

Everything in this style is worked around my thrifted velvet jacket. In Saskia’s portrait, the burgundy/brown gown is just a standout! I think the patchwork surface of this jacket also stands out. Or at least it did a few years ago when I was a Savers (a for-profit thrift shop) and was calling to me to take it home.

I also knew that I was going to wear hats. Since I started stepping out in my “Ladies” (aka wigs), my hat-wearing has taken a dive. But when the temps dip, the girls get a vacation and the wool hats start going into rotation. I’m especially fond of my Amina Marie Millinery original. I have known Amina for about five years now and fell in love with her work immediately. Back in the early days, I featured her on my blog (HERE). She had just opened her studio (she’s back working out of her home now) and I was so excited to attend her opening.

This particular hat reminds me of the historical Toques, ( not the Canadian version of a knitted beanie), which were popular from the 13th to the 16th century in Europe, especially France. The mode was revived in the 1930s for women’s wear.

The extra jewelry component that this hat has makes it even more special. Amina even threw an extra dangly and someday I will try the other one but I love the gold fringe tassel and have never taken it off.

A memory from Spring 2018 of me wearing my hat

I thought it best, with all the extra accessories to use a black column for the two basic pieces. I’m wearing a pair of knit pants that I made from a Vogue pattern and a very old black silk shell (as in a good twenty years old).

There is quite a bit of jewelry in the portrait and I gave this attention also. First up is my vintage Judith Lieber belt that I found on The RealReal. My clam-shaped vintage gold leather Rodo bag has a jeweled egg latch. I have actually collected two of these bags, this one here and another one in a lighter gold.

Since I chose to button my jacket up, I went minimal on the necklace and just used a small black and gold piece that I thrifted somewhere.

Finally, I drew on the fur piece and put some faux fur magnetic poms-poms from Heartware (now out of business) on my shoes. I am acquainted with Marlo and while he was in business, I picked up a few fun shoe accessories. However, I won the poms poms on an Instagram giveaway a few years ago.

A close-up of the Accessories-My Judith Lieber Belt Is Navy, but Since it Was Under My Jacket, I Thought It Would Work

Look #2-Everyday Wear

As I said early on, this is what I wore when we went up to the city one day last week.

I have on my burgundy wool Pendleton turtleneck, a burgundy beret along with my burgundy leather bag (which was designed and made in Kansas City, a few years ago).

I will admit, that on that day, I didn’t have my velvet scarf on. This is something that I sewed up about three years ago out of some stretch velvet from my stash. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember why I even bought it, so a scarf it became! It’s lined with some black polyester lining (also was from my stash). Adding it took care of that velvet component!

It was going to “be on my feet a lot” day so I wore my leather Demi TRX KEDS. I love these things! I am a BIG KEDS fan. I always wore them as a kid. When the girls were both at home, I made sure we all three had white leather KEDS to match.

Now, they have so many styles and collaborations (Riffle paper and Kate Spade, just to name two). KEDS have become a terrible weakness for me, I don’t even want to count the pairs I have. It would be embarrassing!

Adding My Latest Handknitting

I have been wearing the two latest things off my knitting needles quite a bit. These would be a new pair of socks and mitts. They will probably get their own post sometime next week, so I am not even going to go into what yarn and patterns I used. The rich jewel tone yarn just went with this whole thing.

A Close-up of the Pattern Used For the Mitts

Finally, I’m wearing my heavier leather jacket, but that’s because it’s cold here in Missouri. A black leather jacket has always been my go-to for everyday style.

Well, that’s enough of me.

It’s now your turn.

I hope you find something in this work that inspired you and didn’t mind the small journey into the knitting universe. Send me what you come up with at meadowtreestyle@gmail.com along with a small blurb on how the work influenced your choices by tomorrow.

I will do a roundup this Wednesday featuring all your designs. I hope Saskia has inspired you to put together something.

Take care everyone and stay creative!

19 thoughts on “Hello Velvet for Sakia van Uylenburgh

  1. Terri, thanks so much for the beautiful introduction! I am so happy to join you all. I am working on my post right now and should have it published within the next 2 hours. I love both of these outfits you created for this painting. That patchwork jacket is absolutely fabulous and really does mimic all the textures and colors of the painting. And the second outfit is super cool. I love your hand made mitts and socks! And I am big fan of unique hats and berets, so of course, I am swooning over your choices in headwear as well!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Terri, I can totally understand why you would want to share both outfits today. They’re both perfect for this theme! I must admit, the second,m everyday outfit is my favourite—you look so cool and funky in it! Plus, I have the exact same beret! I must wear it on the blog soon, because it hasn’t the light of day yet. I’m loving those socks and gloves too. You are a creative genius!
    Suzy xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Suzy-I am so happy that you like my second one the best because that is what I’m most comfortable in. Nothing more than “funky and cool” does an older retired art teacher like to have said about her!
      It’s just the right weather to break my berets out again.


    1. Hello Jean and thank you. I guess, looking like an artist is a good thing since I was an art teacher for 32 odd years! Thank you for dropping by and leaving me a note. I’m on a sock kick right now and am knitting another pair. The problem with socks is that once you knit one you have to knit the other one!
      Take care, Terri


  3. Both of your outfits are fabulous! I do like the second one best…you seem more comfortable in it! And you knit socks? I’ve tried so many times and just can’t get the hang of it. I’m going to be on pins and (knitting) needles for that blog post. I do love the texture and pattern in your mitts. Do they extend past your fingers? That’s where I am coldest! I really loved this challenge! My outfit will be on the blog tomorrow!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Marsha, yes they can extend down my fingers. I just have the cuff turned up. My daughter go me doing Magic Loop for socks and once I got the hand of it, I found it so much easier and faster than double pointed needles. I used Magic Loop on the mitts too.
      I wish I hadn’t been standing so stiff on that first one. But I have to admit, the second is much more me. Although, I love my Amina hat. I will be looking forward to what you have tomorrow.

      I have to get a review of something I made for Sewing Review and then I can get started on my knitting post.
      Take Care, Terri

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Anna. I think I’m attracted to these kind of colors anyway. About knitting, when you break it down, it’s just making loops from other loops-but what some designers do with it is just crazy (but cool). Take care, Terri


    1. Thank you, not everyone did velvet but it was a popular choice for those of us who had it. Hey, and take part whenever you can-the more the merrier! I will eventually do a post on the knitting and will link it up to your link-up when it gets done.


    1. Thank you, iI am now essectially a sewing blogger and try to use as much of my handmade garments in SIA as I can.

      Also, I feel that Style Imitating Art does stress our creative side because sometimes there is a lot of creative problem solving in figuring out how to intrepretate a piece of art.

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