A Knitted Cape for Lynnie

A Knitted Cape for Lynnie

Yes, I am one of those! I knit and sew for my dogs. Before 2009, I would not have dreamed of taking the time to do something like this. But then I adopted a five-year-old Toy Poodle I named Sophia and fell into the abyss of fashionable dogs. It's a life style. For Lynnie's first [...]

My Sew Sew Life-One Yard of Black and Red Flannel & Zero Waste

My Sew Sew Life-One Yard of Black and Red Flannel & Zero Waste

Four or five years ago I purchased one yard of red and black plaid flannel. My aim was to sew some type of garment for Dylan, our Mountain Feist dog. He's a short hair dog and in the winter gets cold (he does have a few sweaters). But mainly, I though he would just look [...]